New Cold Heat review at!

Today Cold Heat received a glorious review at, in German. Danke schön!

“Man kann fast sagen, das die Finnen mit wenigen Akzenten ein voluminöses Meisterwerk gefertigt haben. 
Diese kleine EP ist gespickt mit musikalischer Raffinesse und liebe zum Detail. Absolut empfehlenswert.”

Live video from Semifinal 05/08/2015 released!

Alright, ready? We’re proud to present the live video from the Cold Heat -EP release show at Semifinal, Helsinki a month ago in August! Our sincere and heartfelt thanks to Finfinitum Videotuotanto for doing an incredible job shooting, recording, editing and mixing it.

So sit back and enjoy the show in its entirety, with a setlist featuring songs from the new EP as well as some freshly arranged older ones, special guest Aarne Toivonen killing it on percussion and a brief appearance by mr. Ville Repo!

INTERVIEW at! published an interview with Juho, discussing the new EP, its background and much more. This one for sure is an interesting read to check out!

Link to the interview:

***** julkaisi Juhon haastattelun uuden EP:n, sen taustojen ja paljon muun ympäriltä. Kiinnostavaa luettavaa, kannattaa ehdottomasti tsekata!

Linkki haastatteluun: