New review at Modern Rock Review!

Cold Heat cover art by Petri Lampela.

Cold Heat cover art by Petri Lampela.

Many many thanks to Modern Rock Review for featuring Cold Heat in their Choice 5 for February 2016!

“The four song EP Cold Heat by the Finnish group Burntfield features diverse songs with contrasting but melodic textures and grooves, which range from crisp guitar riffs to atmospheric keyboards. The top highlight here is the eight-minute ballad “How Lucky” with some soulful elements, complex vocal arrangements and tasteful strings in the bridge section.”

Interview & review at Colossus!

As mentioned a while ago, the Finnish prog magazine Colossus generously featured us on their brand new website! The extensive interview by Teijo Salminen can now be viewed behind the link.

Juho talks about his work with recorders and electronics as well as about Burntfield, also with Valtteri.

In addition, “Cold Heat” EP received a positive review by the same magazine, which can be read at:

End of 2015 updates!

A bunch of updates to wrap up the year with – here we go!

This Sunday 03/01 we’re playing a semi-acoustic special show at Sunday After Church – Club at Bar Wall Street in the very centre of Helsinki (Ateneuminkuja 4). Starting at 15:00 in the afternoon, free entry. Feel welcome! And don’t forget the facebook-event of the show.

In other news, the Finnish prog magazine Colossus recently conducted an interview with Juho about his work with recorders and electronics, and about Burntfield, also starring Valtteri. Next to this, Cold Heat EP was reviewed by the same magazine.
Read it all online (in Finnish) at!

We are also very happy to notice that the great Melodic Rock radio AOR Then & Now – The Webradio has featured Deal With It from the Cold Heat EP in several of their playlists of Top 50 AOR and Melodic Rock Tracks. To indulge yourself in a selection of brilliant melodic rock featuring Burntfield, be sure to go to!

Thanks, have a happy new year & we look forward to seeing you soon!


Riku Vääriskoski quits Burntfield – Aarne Toivonen steps in


Burntfield is facing a change in the line-up. Founding member, drummer Riku Vääriskoski is leaving the group, due to other priorities and demands that clash with committing to the band.

We all want to express our sincere gratitude to Riku for this Burntfield journey of over 3 years!

With great pleasure we welcome the new drummer of Burntfield, our good friend Aarne Toivonen, who many of you will know as a guest stand-in drummer as well as a live percussionist for Burntfield. A drummer extraordinaire, prog specialist and songwriter, Aarne has years of working experience in different rock bands, as a theatre musician and freelancer in a variety of projects.

Aarne comments: Joining Burntfield feels good and rather natural. It’s great that the members of the band have the faith in me and they let me bring some of my own ideas into the band. Best wishes to Riku in his future endeavors!

The change appears the most natural and enables the band to continue working with full power. For Burntfield it signifies a new chapter, and the future live shows promise to better than ever before. More plans about to follow soon!

Aarne FullSizeRender

Riku Vääriskoski jättää Burntfieldin – Aarne Toivonen liittyy mukaan


Burntfieldilla on edessään kokoonpanonvaihdos. Perustajajäsen, rumpali Riku Vääriskoski jättää yhtyeen, bändiin sitoutumisen kanssa yhteensovittamattomissa olevien muiden prioriteettien ja vaatimusten takia.

Vilpittömimmät kiitoksemme Rikulle tästä yli 3-vuotisesta Burntfield-ajanjaksosta!

Toivotamme tervetulleeksi Burntfieldin uuden rumpalin: hyvä ystävämme Aarne Toivonen, jonka moni muistanee Burntfieldin tuuraaja-rumpalina ja vierailevana liveperkussionistina. Aarne on huikea rumpali, progespesialisti ja biisinkirjoittaja, jolla on vuosien kokemus eri rockbändeistä, teatterimuusikkona ja freelancerina laajalti muissa projekteissa.

Aarne kommentoi: Burntfieldiin liittyminen tuntuu mukavalta ja melko luonnolliselta. On hienoa että bändin jäsenet luottavat minuun ja antavat minun tuoda mahdollisia omia näkemyksiä bändiin. Kaikkea hyvää Rikulle jatkossa!

Muutos näyttäytyy mitä luonnollisimpana ja antaa bändin jatkaa työskentelyä täydellä höngällä. Burntfieldille se tarkoittaa uutta jaksoa, ja tulevista keikoista onkin odotettavissa parempia kuin koskaan. Lisää suunnitelmia tulossa pian!